Transforming the rare disease landscape
Alpharmaxim Healthcare Communications
Transforming the rare disease landscape
Isolation, disability, loss of autonomy, shortened life expectancy.1
These are just some of the ways in which rare diseases collectively affect hundreds of millions of patients worldwide.1
However, because individual rare diseases may only affect a few thousand people, they often receive less attention and funding than more common diseases, making it challenging to develop effective treatments.2
At Alpharmaxim, we work closely with pharma to bring rare diseases into the spotlight. We believe that patients with rare diseases are not only underserved, but unique.
Over the coming months, we’ll be producing a series of articles exploring the topics outlined in the infographic below, as well as looking at how new, tailored approaches to communications could help transform the rare disease landscape.

1. NGO Committee for Rare Diseases. What is a rare disease? Accessed 29 September 2023.
2. The challenge of rare diseases: the role of patient advocacy, awareness & technology. Accessed 29 September 2023